Annuals and the Drought

We all love the splash of color that annuals bring to the garden from spring until the first frost, but we are also in drought conditions. Here are a few water thrifty annuals for 2022.

Zinnias—long a garden favorite, Zinnias are a colorful and long-lasting addition to the flower garden.


Periwinkle—AKA annual vinca is drought tolerant and requires almost no maintenance to keep it looking terrific.

Moss Roses—AKA Portulaca grandiflora, are a drought and heat tolerant annual native to hot, dry plains in Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay and has showy flowers that bloom all summer long with little care.

Cosmos—Cosmos can tolerate warm, dry weather very well. They are even drought tolerant.

Petunia—They tolerate lots of heat and are relatively undemanding when it comes to water. It is necessary to deadhead plants to keep them blooming.

 Salvias—Their drought-resistant nature and low maintenance make them a perfect choice for an easy-care garden.

Celosias—Is a pretty easy plant to take care of and established plants are drought tolerant.



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