San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Welcome to the new blog of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the California Landscape Contractors Association.
This blog will be a supplement to the SFBA website and used to post additional information about events and special issues. In addition, we will use the blog to create image galleries of our members projects, landscape work and installations, and important information about new materials and supplies. Any member of SFBA is welcome to submit those items to the editors.
We will start with a few samples:
At last Thursday's board meeting, KC Coverdell (on the right) was presented with an appreciation plaque for his hard work last year as president, a position that was not made any easier by the pandemic. Presenting the plaque was current president Juan Carlos Esparza.
As the pandemic winds down, SFBA is scheduling more events. In February a lively group went to Campo Di Bocce of Los Gatos. Some even learned how to play bocce while others had a great time talking, renewing friendships, and enjoying the abundance of good food.
In January, SFBA had a smart controller seminar at Mike's Restaurant at Shoreline. Lots of good information was presented by the three sponsors Hunter, Rainbird, and HydroPoint.
We plant to post on the blog at least once a week, usually Monday. We welcome input and content for the blog.
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